Team Development

"Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results."
Ifeanyi Onuoha.

Engage us for Team Development when

  • You have a new team / a number of new team members and you want to kick start team performance
  • The team has a new boss
  • Disagreements and conflict is taking focus and energy away from what the team should be doing
  • The team is doing quite well but has potential to achieve a lot more
  • Team members are focusing too much on just their own area
  • The team is facing a new challenge


  • 1Transformation A measurable step‐change in the team’s performance
  • 2Discovery In‐depth but efficient Discovery process including interviews and our on‐line Team Effectiveness Assessment
  • 3Fun A constructive and enjoyable learning journey that the team will enjoy going on together
  • 4Mindset change Lasting shifts in the mindsets and the culture of the team
  • 5Ongoing process An ongoing tailored process lasting 6‐9 months including pre‐ and post‐ assessment, a 1 or 2 day initial workshop with a 1 or 0.5 day follow up. Other team coaching interventions are sometimes included.

Teams need to be clear about who is going to do what, how they are going to make decisions and solve problems.


Team members need to have healthy levels of trust and understanding, be able to communicate and collaborate.


Teams need to have constructive and productive mindsets.


Teams need to be clear about where they are going, and aligned.


Teams need to drive for results and keep their energy up even in tough times.